The Basingstoke PhotoAlbum

This page contains photographs taken in and around Basingstoke, it's a living page  photos will be added from time to time, so come back again
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 Festival Place

Bottom of Wote Street at dusk

Sunset over ChurchillPlaza

 foggy evening in Basingstoke

Town Centre construction at sunset

The River Loddon flowing through Glebe Gardens

Sun Life and IBM buildings

BlueCoat Boy Sculpture

Scaffolding on the town centre construction

Sun Life Sculpture

Father and Child Sculpture

Triumphal Gates Sculpture

Mother and Child sculpture

View across poppy fields to Basingstoke

Bandstand in Eastrop Park

Lutyens brickworks office

Approach to the station

Churchill Way footbridge

Basingstoke Sunset

Skyline Plaza


see also It's Basingstoke not Boringstoke"

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